Mislav Javor

WKWebView advanced tutorial (catch JS events, access properties etc...) (Swift)

WKWebView advanced tutorial (catch JS events, access properties etc..) (Swift)


I have never been a fan of cross-platform, HTML based iOS and Android frameworks (PhoneGap, Cordova). They always seem to lag behind in features and responsiveness, and that’s a compromise I’m rarely willing to take.

However, sometimes you can’t avoid embedding HTML and JavaScript into your project. In those situations, iOS uses the WKWebView component for loading and displaying web pages embedded within the application. WKWebView is based on Safari browser and uses webkit so it’s speed and responsiveness are on par with the latest and greatest of the mobile browser world.

In this tutorial, I’ll show how to:

  1. Embed a WKWebViewinside of your iOS Universal App
  2. Load an HTML webpage via URL
  3. Perform an action on the WKWebView html via JavaScript as a result of native controll action
  4. Respond to JavaScript events from your native application
  5. Access JavaScript variables from your native application


In order to test our WKWebView behaviour, we will create a simple, static HTML page using node.js. NodeJS is a simple, lightweight JavaScript based web server, and as such - is perfect for the needs of this tutorial.

If you only need the iOS tutorial, you can skip this step.

Begin by cloning this git repository.

Make sure that you have NodeJS installed. There are a lot of tutorials on how to install NodeJS on the platform of your choice so that won’t be covered in this tutorial.

After that move to the cloned folder and run

npm install

and start the server by calling

node server.js

Now go to your browser and open localhost:3000. You should see an image of either Brad Pitt or Edward Norton in the role of Tyler Durden from the 90’s SF classic Fight Club

All this simple sample site does is expose a JS function changeImage(actorName). Inspecting the JS code shows

function changeImage(actorName){
    var image = $("#tyler_durden_image");
    if(actorName == "pitt"){
        image.attr("src", "/durden_pitt.jpg");
        image.trigger("imagechanged", [true]);
    } else if(actorName == "norton"){
        image.attr("src", "/durden_norton.jpg");
        image.trigger("imagechanged", [true])
    } else{
        image.trigger("imagechanged", [false]);

$("#tyler_durden_image").on("imagechanged", function(event, isSuccess){
        console.log("did it");

We attached an event imagechanged to the img DOM object and we trigger it when the function changes the image. We also respond to that event by logging "did it" onto the JS console.

If you’ve done everything correctly, you should have your Node server running smoothly on localhost:3000 and you’re ready to begin with the iOS development.

Creating the WKWebView and the WebView Wrapper

If you’d like to access the files of the project used in this sample, it’s available on github - https://github.com/mislavjavor/WKWebViewTutorial-iOS

Setting up

Create a new iOS Universal App. Select Swift as a language. Once the project is open in Xcode, create a new .swift file called WKWebViewWrapper. This whill be the file into which we put our code for accessing variables and calling events

Creating a WKWebView using Storyboards

Allow Arbitrary Loads

In order to comply to Apples App Transport Security you must whitelist all the domains your app will use. We will allow all domains with Allow Arbitrary Loads

You should never use Allow Arbitrary Loads - this is for demonstration purposes only

Copy and paste this code into your Info.plist file


Create and bind storyboard views

In your storyboard , place one UIView and one UIButton. Assuming the UIView is called WKContainerView and the UIButton is called ChangeImageButton, your storyboard should look like this:


  1. Ctrl+drag WKContainerView to the ViewController as an outlet and call it containerView.
  2. Ctrl+drag ChangeImageButton to the ViewController as an action of the TouchUp Inside type and call it changeImageButtonClicked

Create a WKWebView and load localhost:3000

In the ViewController, import WebKit

In your ViewController override the viewWillAppear method and initialize the WKWebView inside like this:

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
        let wkWebView = WKWebView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, height: containerView.frame.height))
        wkWebView.loadRequest(NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "http://localhost:3000")!))

This process will, of course, vary massively from project to project since it’s UI specific. Creating UIs is not the topic of this tutorial so those specifics are not important.

What is important is how you load the request into the WKWebView. You do this by calling

if let url = NSURL(string: "http://localhost:3000") {
    wkWebView.loadRequest(NSURLRequest(URL: url));

It’s implemented somewhat differently in the upper snippet of code but for a reason. The code in the latter snippet is good while the good in the first snippet is bad

I’m leaving to the reader to deduce why the first code snippet is much worse than the second one

Finishing up in the ViewController

After everything, your ViewController should look like this

import UIKit
import WebKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var containerView: UIView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
        let wkWebView = WKWebView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, height: containerView.frame.height))
        wkWebView.loadRequest(NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "http://localhost:3000")!))

    @IBAction func changeImageButtonClicked(sender: AnyObject) {


Creating the WKWebViewWrapper

Navigate to the WKWebViewWrapper.swift file and do the following:

  1. Create a class called WKWebViewWrapper
  2. Import Foundation and WebKit
  3. Make WKWebViewWrapper class inherit NSObject and implement the WKScriptMessageHandler protocol
  4. Make an initializer that thakes a single WKWebView as a parameter

The end result should look something like this:

import Foundation
import WebKit

class WKWebViewWrapper : NSObject, WKScriptMessageHandler{

    wkWebView : WKWebView

    init(forWebView webView : WKWebView){
        wkWebView = webView

    func userContentController(userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceiveScriptMessage message: WKScriptMessage) {


Once you’ve done this, create a method called setUpPlayerAndEventDelegation. In it, we’ll configure the WKWebView for receiveing JS events.

Before implementing that method, create a constant called eventNames in which you will save the names of all the events that your objects can fire (to be more precise - all the events that you want to catch) e.g.

let events = ["imagechanged", "documentReady"]

Now in the setUpPlayerAndEventDelegation create a WKUserContentController and assign it to the controller property of wkWebView.configuration. After that, use the controller to add all the events and make self the event listener.

self can be the event listener only because before we made WKWebViewWrapper implement the WKScriptMessageHandler protocol.

The setUpPlayerAndEventDelegation function should look something like this

func setUpPlayerAndEventDelegation(){

        let controller = WKUserContentController()
        wkWebView.configuration.userContentController = controller

        for eventname in eventNames {
            controller.addScriptMessageHandler(self, name: eventname)

Initializing events as a dictionary of <String, EventHandler>

Here we use the very interesting property of the Swift programming lanugage that states

Functions are first class objects

In the WKWebViewWrapper class, create a variable called eventFunctions. It should be a dictionary where the key is a String and the value a function that receives a String and returns Void. Declare the variable like this

var eventFunctions : Dictionary<String, (String)->Void> = Dictionary<String, (String)->Void>()

in the setUpPlayerAndEventDelegation function, initialize each and every one of the functions declared in eventNames to be an empty function (we to this to assure that it’s different than null)

To do that, in the for eventname in eventNames loop, under the addScriptMessageHandler, add the following line of code

eventFunctions[eventname] = { _ in }

What this does is it initializes an empty function that does nothing for every entry in the eventNames constant

Inject event handlers

Requires JQuery on the web server. It can be done without it, but I prefer using JQuery

In the setUpPlayerAndEventDelegations for loop add the following line at the end:

wkWebView.evaluateJavaScript("$(#tyler_durden_image).on('imagechanged', function(event, isSuccess) { window.webkit.messageHandlers.\(eventname).postMessage(JSON.stringify(isSuccess)) }", completionHandler: nil)

When we called addScriptMessageHandler before, WKWebView created a new messageHandler object on the webkit object that it injected during initialization. The name of the messageHandler is the name we gave to it in the addScriptMessageHandler and calling the postMessage(String) function on that message handler triggers the userContentController function that we implemented in order to satisfy the WKScriptMessageHandler protocol.

The userContentController function in our WKWebViewWrapper will be called every time the postMessage function is called on a messageHandler.

In the userContentController we will handle this triggering in the following way:

func userContentController(userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceiveScriptMessage message: WKScriptMessage) {
        if let contentBody = message.body as? String{
            if let eventFunction = eventFunctions[message.name]{

Now every time the function gets triggered, one of those “empty” functions that we declared earlier get called. Those functions will later be implemented by the ViewController that uses the WKWebViewWrapper so this function will effectively trigger those functions.

Accessing javascript properties

Reasoning behind certain decisions

The main issue we will face here is approaching this issue from a proper perspective. We would like for our variables in the native app to be synchronized with the variables in the JavaScript frontend.

The easiest way to do this would be to simply call

wkWebView.evaluateJavaScript("yourJavaScriptVariable", {
    result in
      //Handle your variable

but this gets us deep into closures and makes everything dependant on callbacks. It’s safe to say that this is not the ideal solution for every situation.

However, in some cases it may just be enought to get the job done without much hesitation.

Personally, what I like to do is define a JavaScript object with relevant data, and send it to the application once a second via an event. The time period of one second is arbitrary and you can set it anyway you like.

If your object gets too heavy, you might want to employ batching and have several separate functions. Store all things in compartments filtered by access times and weight. This will be very specific for each project and I won’t be getting into this topic very much in this article.

As a rule of thumb, I allocate a 100th of a second to each primitive variable sans strings. I have not empirically tested this practice, but it’s proven to be efficient in all of my tests so far.


In your JavaScript, call

  //We'll fill this later in the tutorial
}, 1000)

NOTE: All of this can be done via injection of JavaScript in the WKWebView, but for the sake of tutorial, this gives the content much more clarification

This function repeats itself every 1000 milliseconds. This would be our “very slow” function for sending heavy objects. You could implement something like this:


}, 10)

for sending one int variable 100 times a second. Remember to never put any logic in these functions. They are for fetching only.

Let’s prepare the scene for the sending of the event to the application:

Firstly, create an object which contains all of your data. So in the JavaScript project add:

 var applicationState = {
   // your application state

In our concrete case it will be

var applicationState = {
  actorName = window.actorName

since this is the only variable we have. This may not be the best way to demonstrate this, but I believe it server the purpose of demonstrating the principle quite well

After you created your applicationState object, you can now send it to your Swift code in your setInterval function.

}, 10)

Now add updateApplicationState into your eventNames variable. In the section where you handle the events, add special case for the updateApplicationState event, parse the applicationState JSON object and update your local or external variables

Performing actions of JavaScript properties and general behaviour

Now we’ve established getting our properties is a matter of interval updates, but accessing them is even easier. All you need to do is call evaluateJavaScript with the desired javascript and you’re done. Let’s handle this the following way. Create a function in JavaScript that performs some setting operation, such as

function setVariable(string actorName){
  window.actorName = actorName

Now in your wrapper, call

wkWebView.evaluateJavaScript("setVariable(\(self.actorName)") //self.actorName is just a placeholder of course

or any other action you wish to perform

Using the WKWebView

And you’re more or less done. All you need to do now, is create the instance of your Wrapper in the ViewController and add a function by calling

wrapper.eventFunctions["functionName"] = {
  result in
    // Handle

Now with this knowledge, you should be able to modify the github projects and make your iOS device perform actions on your JavaScript app

Mislav Javor

I'm an entrepreneur and a software developer. CEO of a blockchain startup aiming to simplify buying and selling of electricity. Actively participating in the proliferation of healthy (technology oriented) blockchain culture. Organizer of Blockchain Development Meetup Zagreb, lectured at HUB385 Academy and University of Osijek on topics of smart comtract development. In my free time, I'm a singer and a guitar/piano player. Contact at mislav@ampnet.io

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